Coming soon: This project will launch in 2025
Working Watersheds - Wiidookdadewin is a suite of tools developed for municipal leaders, to support sustainable development and healthy communities for the future. The tools allow for informed decisions at the municipal level; from planning to review and enforcement.
Tools include: a) accessible and functional mapping to assess the implications of decisions on the water supplies, flood retention, and nutrient uptake (impacts to wildlife are implied); b) decision trees to support planning reviews and approvals; c) a curriculum series to help counsellors understand the Planning Act, and essential aspects of watershed management.
Unprecedented permit applications causing backlogs and capacity issues, infractions and including environmental destruction
Landowners say they value clean water and cultural experiences at the cottage more than equity or monetary values, yet development styles are threatening these
Overnight rentals bypassing bylaws, and limited capacity for enforcement
Pressure for development approvals for housing, yet gentrification is occurring against community protests
A loss of water quality, as well as fishing and hunting opportunities affecting tourism and the economy
Municipal Tools

Models to estimate impacts on flooding, aquifers, and water quality - also on fish and wildlife- in your communities.
Project Partners and Contributors

Planning For Our Shorelands: A Project lead by Watersheds Canada and partners as to Help municipalities navigate shoreland conservation

The OHI promotes watershed security in Ontario and facilitates the Coalition of Ontario Watershed Guardians.

Fostering understanding and sharing teachings related to water "nibi"

The Oak Ridges Moraine Watershed Mapping Program is comprised of 14 agencies, to support watershed management decisions

Securing a bright future for the county of Lanark; leadership in nature based solutions for climate change mitigation
Supporting partners include: Climate Network Lanark, Otonabee Region Conservation Authority, Kawartha Conservation Authority, Township of Rideau Lakes, County of Lanark, Frontenac Arch Biosphere, Hastings County Lake Health Working Group.