Custom Designs for Shores, Septics, and Pollinator Meadows
Site visits, consultations, plans, plants and planting services.
We use Watershed Canada's Natural Edge application to provide you with full reports and designs.
Our Shoreland Workshops Make News!
Read about them in the Muskoka and Haliburton Life Magazine: Shoreland Garden Editorial

Even local groups come to us for advice!
Abbey Gardens restoration ecology staff have attended our workshop in Haliburton and took away lessons in deterring geese, soil science and design expertise for public and private sites. Our staff/contractors have designed keystone shoreland gardens and goose deterrent projects for: Halls/Hawk Lake park in Algonquin Highlands; Rivera Park in Lindsay; Big Bald Lake Association; for Mr. Paul McIinnis' property, president of the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners Associations (pictures below) frequently showcased publicly as a demonstration site; at Head Lake in Dysart et al to deter geese- with success!- and for Haliburton Lake Association's Public Beach; and many private contractors too...
"I was expecting a dry presentation, cold hard facts, but you added such colour, your enthusiasm was evident, your energy palpable. I thoroughly enjoyed myself! And I learned stuff!!!!" ~ Sharon Petrini, Haliburton County
"Thank you Leora for Saturday's workshop. My husband and I both found it informative. We came away with some great ideas on how we can both beautify and naturalize our shoreland property."
"If you have not heard enough praise for the Friday Workshop I will add it was amazing, & I think I learned a lot. It seems my long held convictions of 58 years are being challenged everywhere. The more I learn the more I know I do not know very much!" ~Terry Goodwin, Haliburton