Phrag Fighters
Training Materials
Due to the invasive nature of Phragmites there are special protocols that must be followed to insure that it is properly identified and removed for a site.
Safety Protocol
Safety is of the utmost important at all times. Please make sure that you download and carefully read the Safety Protocol below. After you have completed reading the protocol, click the "Safety Quizzes" button below to confirm your knowledge — you must pass the quiz to join any of our community science teams. Once you have completed the quizzes, our team will be notified.
Road Safety Training Video
Outdoor Hazards Safety Training Video
Phrag Fighters Self-Guided Training
Due to the invasive nature of Phragmites there are special protocols that must be followed to insure that it is properly identified and removed for a site. Watch the training videos below, then download and read the Surveying Protocol, Removal Protocol, and Percentage Cover Sheet to familiarize yourself with the actions that will take place as a Phrag Fighter.
Surveying Protocol training video
Removal Protocol training video
These resources were developed and/or assembled and edited by Siena Smith, Conservation Technician