Phrag Fighters
Due to the invasive nature of Phragmites there are special protocols that must be followed to insure that it is properly identified and removed for a site.
Learning How to Idenfiy Phragmites
As a Phrag Fighter it is very important that you are able to accurately identify the invasive phragmites versus our native reed species. Download the guide below, in addition to watching the training videos above, to become an expert in identification! Do not worry, after completing the training you will be confident in your abilities and will be able to spot the invader!
Please Download the Phrag Fighters Protocol
Like any invasive species, in order to ensure that phragmites is properly removed from your property there are certain methods that you should follow. The protocol below will help you to remove phrag and keep it from coming back!
Surveying Documents
Removal Documents
Please Download the Field Data Reporting Sheet
Our Field Data Sheets will help you to keep all of your Phrag sightings easily organised and one place! Please download the sheet below, record your phragmites observations and then email it back to us. Thank you for helping to keep our lakes and wetlands natural!