Grace Memorial Walk
Join us and the spirit of Grace (and her remains), to commemorate the life of the Highland’s ancient sentinel. Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Holders, and local schools will participate. A ceremony …
Grace Morning Ceremony
Honour Grace, the ancient sentinel that passed away. Grace's remains and prayer leaders will meet at the Haliburton Highschool football grounds for a brief ceremony and walk, in the name …
Biodiversity Conservation Talking Circles – FLYERS
Curve Lake Cultural Centre Mississauga Street, Curve Lake, CanadaAs part of our ongoing commitment to a collaborative, community-rooted approach to conservation, we will be hosting 'Knowledge Circles' about Species and Spaces at Risk in The Land Between this …
Biodiversity Conservation Talking Circles – HERPS
Washago Community Centre Washago, OntarioAs part of our ongoing commitment to a collaborative, community-rooted approach to conservation in The Land Between, we will be hosting 'Knowledge Circles' about Species and Spaces at Risk in …
Biodiversity Conservation Talking Circles – TERRESTRIAL
Bobcaygeon Royal Legion Highway 36, BobcaygeonAs part of our ongoing commitment to a collaborative, community-rooted approach to conservation in The Land Between, we will be hosting 'Knowledge Circles' about Species and Spaces at Risk in …
Earth Day- Nature Nuts Super Trivia Quiz Night
Haliburton MuseumGet ready for some fun and laughter while we muse at our nature's wonders, and learn all about wildlife's mysterious behaviors! Bring a friend or the family to this community …
Biodiversity Conservation Talking Circles – AQUATIC
Curve Lake Cultural Centre Mississauga Street, Curve Lake, CanadaAs part of our ongoing commitment to a collaborative, community-rooted approach to conservation in The Land Between, we will be hosting 'Knowledge Circles' about Species and Spaces at Risk in The Land Between this upcoming March. These Knowledge Circles are a series of events that provide an opportunity to share knowledge about species and spaces …
Lakeland Science Research Forum and AGM
We invite you for a night of research and contribute to our efforts to estimate priority actions for a sustainable future in The Land Between. Join us at our annual AGM to explore research results and engage in discussions related to: 1. Lake Health: the Blue Lakes database has married lake data across the Highlands …
Turtle EcoPassage Installation
Join the Turtle Guardian-The Land Between staff in installing ecopassages to save the turtles. Contact Leora at 705-854-2888
Fenelon Falls Hort Club Presentation: T H E L A N D B E T W E E N : W H A T D O Y O U M E A N ?
E X P L O R E T H E H E R İ T A G E , H A U N T S A N D H A B İ T A T S O F O N T A R İ O ' S H İ G H L A N D …