About the Land Stories Project
Land Stories is a web mapping application that shares the history of the unique region within Land Between through a collection of stories. The Land Between is where the Canadian Shield meets the St. Lawrence Lowlands, has been home to Indigenous peoples for thousands of years and is an area that proved extremely challenging to European settlement. The map displays over 180 stories that were gathered by volunteers and emphasizes both the Indigenous and European history in the region.
The map has 12 layers which contain different information about the Land Between and its history. Each layer can be toggled on and off using the layers bar. The layers consist of:
- The Land Between boundary
- Ghost Towns
- Abandoned Buildings
- Historical Names
- Indigenous Place Names
- Other Indigenous Sites
- Other European Sites
- Colonization Roads
- Route of Samuel de Champlain
- First Nations reservation
- Mississauga Territory of 1760
- Treaties
Click on any of the features to the bottom right of the map and it will reveal key locations. The application also provides directions if you need help locating a place!
This project was created in collaboration with: